How Long Do Loft Conversions Take?

Published Categorized as Home Renovation

No loft is the same. They can vary in size, shape, colour, age, complexity as well as accessibility and many other features.

Although, it can be estimated that, despite the broad variation that can occur within the world of lofts, it will usually take around 4-8 weeks for a loft conversion to be fully completed, depending on the factors mentioned above as well as others such as the quality of the workers completing the build and even weather conditions.

When planning to undergo 4-8 weeks roofless, it is important to be reassured that the conversion is exactly what you desire, an impressive new loft, fits with everything you need in, on, or around it.

Overall, of all the aspects included in a loft conversion, its design is paramount. But what, is involved in a loft conversion, makes it take so long?

What Are the Key Factors That Can Affect the Speed of a Loft Conversion?

  • Age and condition of the property – The condition of a property is crucial in determining the rate at which the conversion can be completed. Older properties will require significantly more attention when it comes to the care taken during the build.

    The older and worse conditioned property is, the longer a conversion may take as the foundations and components of the building are going to be immensely more fragile, greatly increasing the likelihood of an accident of some kind.
  • Weather conditions – Weather conditions can greatly influence the timescales of a conversion, affecting the speed at which it can be completed.

    Extreme conditions such as scorching heat that is too hot to work in or the opposite side of the spectrum, severe rainfall and even snow can greatly alter the ability for workers to make progress on a project.

    In turn, it is certain that adverse weather conditions can change the time it takes for a build to be completed.
  • Design plans – Many people desire a loft conversion, but are not completely decided on its details. For example, they may want a Dormer, Hip-to-gable or Mansard conversion, or even all of the above.

    You can receive a free consultation for planning your conversion here with Happinest. In addition to this, you can call Happinest at

0800 021 0232 to organise a consultation over the phone.

Who Are Happinest?

Happinest is a family business that provide Professional Architectural drawings and Building Regulation drawings.

They then manage the entirety of the planning process on the customers behalf, making planning a quick and efficient process, attempting to bring down the length of time that a loft conversion or any form of house modification/addition may take.

Happinest have an industry leading success rate of 98% in regards to receiving approval for plans and in turn have helped thousands of homeowners across the UK to not only add to the comfortability and functionality of their homes, but also increase value, should they choose to sell at a later date.

Find out more about Happinest on their website here.

What Else Can Happinest Do For Your Home?

Happinest design a plethora of different aspects of homes, including but not exclusively:

  • Extensions
  • Garden, Loft and Garage Conversions
  • New Builds
  • 3D Visualisation
  • Many others that can be found under the Services tab on the Happinest Home Page.

Organise a free consultation on any of the aforementioned services via the Happinest website, or call them directly at 0800 021 0232.

By Lukash

I'm an independent writer and publisher. I run a blog called Trending Serve at, which covers all topics pertaining to earning money on the Internet.